A New Equation-Of-Motion Coupled-Cluster Method

We have developed a new approach to equation-of-motion coupled-cluster singles and doubles (EOM-CCSD) that solves for the excited state wavefunction in a compressed representation. This reduces data movement and enables increased scalability. Read our paper in JCP here.

DFT correction for CASCI


Shiela's paper on a new DFT correction for CASCI and its applications to excited-state proton transfer has been published. Check it out here.

MQM 2016

Professor Hohenstein giving a talk at MQM 2016 in Uppsala Sweden.

Thanks to Alan Aspuru-Guzik for the photo.

Thanks to Alan Aspuru-Guzik for the photo.

JACS Cover

Our work on the photochemistry of methyl viologen was featured on the cover of JACS.